Sunday, July 22, 2012

How to compress captured video to a smaller size without any loss of quality.

Earlier in one of my posts,I talked about image compression mentioning how the raw images captured through a Digital Camera takes up a large amount of storage space on your Hard-Disk.
In the same manner,the video captured through a source such as a Handycam,or say a desktpop video recording application such as Camstudio,gameplay recording softwares such as Fraps,and other such applications,is in a RAW format,that takes up incredible amount of memory space to store(With incredible I mean even 10 times the required storage space).This video is of such a large size because during recording,there isn't enough time to encode the movie and record simultaneously.

To handle video compression of such files,follow the simple steps below-
  1. Download and install XViD codecs from the following site:
  2. Next,install VirtualDub,an Open-Source Video and Audio editor.
  3. Now,once you have installed XViD codecs,Open VirtualDub.
  4. Go to Video=>Compression(You can also press Ctrl+P)
  5. Choose "Xvid MPEG-4 Codec" and press OK.
  6. Now Click on File=>Open Video File and select the video file you want to compress.
  7. Now once the video file is loaded,click on File=>Save as Avi.
  8. Wait for the file to be compressed.
Hope you liked this tutorial :)

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